Exercise 1 (for week of Feb 8-12) (A) Show how to implement Insert operation to a binomial heap without using the "Union" method. (B) Draw the 11-item hash table resulting from hashing the keys 12,44,13,88, 23,94,11,39,20,16, and 5, using the hash function h(i) = (2i+5) mod 11 and assuming collisions are handled by chaining (closed addressing). (this is R-2.19 from the text). (C) Show that if the universe of keys U satisfies |U|> mn, where m is the size of the hash-talbe, then there is a subset S of U of size n so that all the keys of S are hashed to the same slot. Deduce that the worst-case running time for hashing with chaining is Theta(n).