splice dataset

This dataset comes from the UCI repository of machine learning databases. The task in this dataset is to recognize two types of splice junctions in DNA sequences; exon/intron (EI) or intron/exon (IE) sites. A splice junction is a site in a DNA sequence at which 'superflous' DNA is removed during protein creation. Intron refers to the portion of the sequence spliced out while exon is the part of the sequence retained. More information is available in the detailed documentation

Dataset profile:

Origin: natural

Usage: assessment

Number of attributes: 61

Number of cases: 3,175

Number of prototasks: 1

Number of methods run on this dataset: 8

Download splice.tar.gz

Converted to Delve format by: Michael Revow

Last Updated 7 November 1996
Comments and questions to: delve@cs.toronto.edu