Waveform dataset

This is the well known waveform example from the CART book[1]. It is a 3 class classification problem based on 3 waveforms, each of which is sampled at 21 intervals. Each class is a random convex combination of two of the waveforms. The data was generated using David Aha's program from the UCI repository of machine learning databases. Other information is available in the original documentation that was supplied with the program.

Dataset profile:

Origin: artificial

Usage: historical

Number of attributes: 22

Number of cases: 7,400

Number of prototasks: 1

Number of methods run on this dataset: 0

Download waveform.tar.gz

Contributed by: Michael Revow using David Aha's program available from the UCI repository of machine learning databases.

[1] Breiman L, Friedman JH, Olshen, RA and Stone CJ. Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth International Group: Belmont, California. (pages 49-55)

Last Updated 11 October 1996
Comments and questions to: delve@cs.toronto.edu