Note to delve_1.0 users

We have released (December 1996) version 1.1 of the Delve software. The most important change in this version is that the Delve software can now read compressed versions of most of the data and result files (ie in both data and method hierachies). This typically results in about a 300% saving in disk usage with negligible speed degradations. To expediate dissemination of datasets and results, the individual files in all data and results distributions are now compressed using the gnu compression utility. We therefore encourage users who may have installed version 1.0 of the software to upgrade to version 1.1. If you do not wish to upgrade and now download new dataset or result distributions, you will have to manually uncompress the individual files. The following command typed at the root of a distribution hierachy should work on most flavours of Unix.

unix> find . -name '*.gz' -exec gunzip {} \;

Last Updated 4 December 1996
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