CSC 148H - Lecture Notes University of Toronto
Department of Computer Science


Lecture Notes
Diane Horton, Faith Fich, Paul Gries and Gary Baumgartner

These notes are copyright Horton, Fich, Gries and Baumgartner, 1994-2002.

A note to students

We make these slides available so that you won't have to spend lectures frantically writing down notes. We hope that you will be able to spend more time listening and thinking about the material, and participating in discussions.

You should still plan to take notes however - with answers to questions, extra examples, intuitive descriptions, and other helpful things that happen in class.

These slides are not a substitute for attending class. Most students in csc148 find the material challenging, and would have difficulty learning it without the benefit of hearing what goes on in class. Also, important announcements, and tips on how to do assignments are made in class.

The slides

Topic 2 per page 4 per page 8 per page
Introduction ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Administrative Details ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Queue ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Stacks ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Java Memory Management ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Linked Data Structures ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Design by Contract ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Exceptions ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Interfaces and Abstract Classes ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Abstraction and ADTs ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Trees ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Recursion ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Recursive BST Operations ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Proof Methods ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Introduction to Formal Reasoning about Programs ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Time Analysis of Algorithms without Recursion ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf
Mergesort ps/pdf ps/pdf ps/pdf

Please report any errors to Diane Horton:
dianeh at cs dot utoronto dot ca