Daniyal Liaqat
Founder, CEO

Daniyal Liaqat

Founder, CEO


Post Doctoral Fellow

University of Toronto

May 2020 - Apr 2022

  • Supervisors: Eyal de Lara and Frank Rudzicz
  • Led COVIDFree@Home, a CIHR funded project that provided remote patient monitoring to 5 Toronto hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic

Post Doctoral Fellow

Vector Institute

Mar 2020 - Apr 2022

Graduate Researcher

Vector Institute

Sep 2017 - Mar 2020

PhD Computing Science

University of Toronto

Sep 2014 - Mar 2020

  • Supervisors: Eyal de Lara and Frank Rudzicz
  • Research focus: Using machine learning and continuous sensing on mobile/wearable devices to monitor patients with chronic diseases
  • Thesis: Towards Continuous Mobile Sensing for Remote COPD Monitoring

Bachelor of Science (with Distinction)

Simon Fraser University

Sep 2011 - Jun 2014

  • In Computer Science with a Major in Software Systems
  • GPA: 4.0/4.33

Work Experience

Tabiat Research

CEO and Co-Founder

May 2019 - Present

  • A startup out of UofT/UHN with an AI-focused remote patient monitoring platform that enables better care for chronic conditions
  • Pre-seed funded and heavily involved in the Toronto start up ecosystem

Vector Institute

Teaching Assistant

Sep 2022 - Dec 2022

  • AI for Healthcare Leaders

University of Toronto

Teaching Assistant

Sep 2014 - Dec 2019

  • C4M - Computing for Medicine (Fall 2018, Winter 2019)
  • HLP101 - Help desk (Fall 2018)
  • CSC 2228 - Advanced Topics in Mobile and Pervasive Computing: Cloud Computing (Fall 2017)
  • CSC 207 - Software Design (Winter 2015, Summer 2015, Fall 2015)
  • CSC 148 - Introduction to Computer Science (Fall 2014)

Samsung Research America

Research Intern

May - Aug 2017

  • Worked with the Digital Health Team on smartwatch based sensing

Athabasca University

Research Assistant

May - Aug 2014

  • Used the R environment to analyze data, running cluster analysis and various other statistical methods
  • Presented a research poster at LASI-14 at Harvard University

Simon Fraser University

Teaching Assistant

Jan - May 2014

  • Designed and developed testing framework for student assignments
  • Courses: CMPT 213 - Object oriented design in Java (Spring 2014)


Promoting Engagement in Remote Patient Monitoring Using Asynchronous Messaging

Salaar Liaqat, Daniyal Liaqat, Tatiana Son, TIago Henrique Falk, Robert Wu, Andrea S Gershon, Eyal de Lara, Alex Mariakakis

CHI '24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2024

Feasibility of a wearable self-management application for patients with COPD at home: a pilot study

Robert Wu, Eyal de Lara, Daniyal Liaqat, Salaar Liaqat, Jun Lin Chen, Tanya Son, Andrea S Gershon

BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, March 2024

Starlight: Fast Container Provisioning on the Edge and over the WAN

Jun Lin Chen, Daniyal Liaqat, Moshe Gable, Eyal de Lara

19th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 22 Fall), April 2022

Hindsight is 20/20: Retrospective Lessons for Conducting Longitudinal Wearable Sensing Studies

Salaar Liaqat, Daniyal Liaqat, Tatiana Son, Andrea Gershon, Robert Wu, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops), March 2022

Unobtrusive Monitoring of COPD Patients using Speech Collected from Smartwatches in the Wild

Tina Sedaghat, Salaar Liaqat, Daniyal Liaqat, Robert Wu, Andrea Gershon, Tatiana Son, Tiago H. Falk, Moshe Gabel, Alex Mariakakis, Eyal de Lara

2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops), March 2022

Remote COPD Severity and Exacerbation Detection Using Heart Rate and Activity Data Measured from a Wearable Device

Abhishek Tiwari, Salaar Liaqat, Daniyal Liaqat, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara, and Tiago H. Falk

43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), October 2021

CoughWatch: Real-world Cough Detection Using Smartwatches

Daniyal Liaqat, Salaar Liaqat, Jun Lin Chen, Tina Sedaghat, Moshe Gabel, Frank Rudzicz, Eyal De Lara

IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), June 2021

Skin tone, Confidence, and Data Quality of Heart Rate Sensing in WearOS Smartwatches

Ishita Ray, Daniyal Liaqat, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

IEEE PerCom International workshop on Pervasive Health Technologies (PerHealth), March 2021

WristO2: Reliable Peripheral Oxygen Saturation Readings from Wrist-Worn Pulse Oximeters (Honorable mention)

Caleb Phillips, Daniyal Liaqat, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

Workshop on Sensing Systems and Applications Using Wrist Worn Smart Devices (WristSense), March 2021

WearBreathing: Real World Respiratory Rate Monitoring using Smartwatches

Daniyal Liaqat, Mohamed Abdalla, Pegah Abed-Esfahani, Moshe Gabel, Tatiana Son, Robert Wu, Andrea Gershon, Frank Rudzicz, Eyal de Lara

Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. (UbiComp) (23% acceptance rate), June 2019

Wrist02: Reliable Peripheral Oxygen Saturation Readings from Wrist-Worn Pulse Oximeters

Caleb Phillips, Daniyal Liaqat, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

arXiv, June 2019

Talk2Me: Automated linguistic data collection for personal assessment

Majid Komeili, Chloe Pou-Prom, Daniyal Liaqat, Kathleen Fraser, Maria Yancheva, Frank Rudzicz

PloS ONE, April 2019

Challenges with Real-World Smartwatch based Audio Monitoring

Daniyal Liaqat, Robert Wu, Andrea Gershon, Hisham Alshaer, Frank Rudzicz, Eyal de Lara

Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications, June 2018

Munich, Germany

Feasibility of using a smartwatch to intensively monitor patients with COPD

Robert Wu, Daniyal Liaqat, Eyal de Lara, Tatiana Son, Frank Rudzicz, Hisham Alshaer, Pegah Abed, Andrea Gershon

JMIR mHealth and uHealth., February 2018

A Method for Preserving Privacy During Audio Recordings by Filtering Speech

Daniyal Liaqat, Ebrahim Nemati, Md Mahbubur Rahman, Jilong Kuang

IEEE Life Sciences Conference, December 2017

Sydney, Australia

A Novel Algorithm for Activity State Recognition Using Smartwatch Data

Ebrahim Nemati, Daniyal Liaqat, Md Mahbubur Rahman, Jilong Kuang

IEEE Healthcare Innovation Point of Care Technologies Conference, November 2017

Bethesda, Maryland, USA

Uncovering student learning profiles with a video annotation tool: Reflective learning with and without instructional norms

Negin Mirriahi, Daniyal Liaqat, Shawn Dawson, Dragan Gasevic

Educational Technology Research & Development, May 2016

Sidewinder: An Energy Efficient and Developer Friendly Heterogeneous Architecture for Continuous Mobile Sensing

Daniyal Liaqat, Silviu Jingoi, Eyal de Lara, Ashvin Goel, Wilson To, Kevin Lee, Italo De Moraes Garcia, and Manuel Saldana

ASPLOS 2016 (22% acceptance rate), April 2016

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Invited Talks

  • Panel: Birds of a Feather - COVID-19 and Mobile Systems, MobiSys 2020, 18 June 2020
  • Validating Smartwatches for COPD Patient Monitoring, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, 6 February 2020
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and the Future (Speaker and Panelist), Bergeron Centre for Engineering Excellence, York University, 26 October 2019
  • Experiences in Real-World Continuous Sensing with Android Smartwatches, Mobilize Center, Stanford University, 25 July 2017
  • Experiences in Real-World Continuous Sensing with Android Smartwatches, Samsung Research America, Mountain View, California, 15 July 2017

Professional Activites

  • Web Chair for ACM MobiSys 2020
  • Reviewer UbiComp, 2020, 2021
  • Reviewer USENIX ATC, 2019
  • Reviewer HotMobile, 2019
  • Reviewer Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), 2018
  • Reviewer IEEE Life Sciences Conference (LSC), 2018
  • Reviewer European Conference On Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), 2016, 2017, 2018


Predicting Low Oxygen Saturation of COVID-19 Patients Using a Random Forest Classifier

Salaar Liaqat, Tiago Falk, Teresa To, Nisha Andany, Nisha Patel, Robert Wu, Andrea Gershon, Alex Mariakakis, Eyal de Lara, Daniyal Liaqat

American Thoracic Society International Conference, May 2022

San Francisco, CA

Trends in Oxygen Level During Acute COVID-19 Infection in Patients Quarantining at Home

AS Gershon, N Patel, R Wu, S Liaqat, Daniyal Liaqat, E de Lara, A Mariakakis, A Simor, P Lam, S Masood, N Andany, N Daneman, A Chan, T To, TH Falk

American Thoracic Society International Conference, May 2022

San Francisco, CA

Symptom Burden in Patients of Different Ages with Acute COVID-19 Infection Quarantining at Home

AS Gershon, N Patel, S Liaqat, Daniyal Liaqat, E de Lara, T To, N Andany, T Falk, R Wu

American Thoracic Society International Conference, May 2022

San Francisco, CA

An Accelerator for Fast Container-based Applications Deployment on the Edge

Jun Lin Chen, Daniyal Liaqat, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

Symposium on Edge Computing, Nov 2020


Speech in Smartwatch based Audio

Daniyal Liaqat, Robert Wu, Andrea Gershon, Hisham Alshaer, Frank Rudzicz, Eyal de Lara

MobiSys, June 2018

Munich, Germany

Towards Ambulatory Cough Monitoring using Smartwatches

Daniyal Liaqat, Rob Wu, Tatiana Son, Andrea Gershon, Hisham Alshaer, Eyal de Lara, Frank Rudzicz

American Thoracic Society International Conference, May 2018

San Diego, CA

Feasibility of Using Android Smartwatches for Nearly Continuous Monitoring of Patients with COPD

Robert Wu, Daniyal Liaqat, Eyal de Lara, Tatiana Son, Frank Rudzicz, Hisham Alshaer, Pegah Abed, Andrea Gershon

American Thoracic Society International Conference, May 2018

San Diego, CA

WearCOPD - Monitoring COPD Patients Remotely using Smartwatches

Daniyal Liaqat, Ishan Thukral, Eyal de Lara, Parco Sin, Robert Wu, Andrea Gershon, Hisham Alshaer, Frank Rudzicz

MobiSys, June 2016

Singapore, Singapore

Feasibility of Using Smartwatches to Remotely Monitor Patients with COPD

Andrea Gershon, Daniyal Liaqat, Parco Sin, Eyal de Lara, Frank Rudzicz, Hisham Alshaer, Robert Wu

American Thoracic Society International Conference, May 2016

San Francisco, California

Sidewinder: An Energy Efficient and Developer Friendly Heterogeneous Architecture for Continuous Mobile Sensing

Daniyal Liaqat, Silviu Jingoi, Eyal de Lara, Ashvin Goel, Wilson To, Kevin Lee, Italo De Moraes Garcia, and Manuel Saldana

ASPLOS 2016, April 2016

Atlanta, Georgia

Feasibility of a Smartwatch and Smartphone Application to Remotely Monitor Patients with COPD

Andrea Gershon, Robert Wu, Daniyal Liaqat, Parco Sin, Eyal de Lara

Clinical Impact Through Innovation Expo, February 2016

Toronto, Canada

Profiling Students Based on Usage of Video Annotation Software

Daniyal Liaqat, Dragan Gašević, Vitomir Kovanovic

Learning Analytics Summer Institute, June 2014

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Other Publications

The Ground Truth Trade-Off in Wearable Sensing Studies

Daniyal Liaqat, Robert Wu, Salaar Liaqat, Eyal de Lara, Andrea Gershon, Frank Rudzicz

arXiv, January 2020

Sidewinder: Efficient and Easy-to-Use Continuous Sensing

Daniyal Liaqat, Silviu Jingoi, Wilson To, Ashvin Goel

GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, July 2016

Using Mobile Sensing to Predict Episodes of Medical Conditions

Daniyal Liaqat

MobiSys - PhD Forum, June 2016

Singapore, Singapore

Conferences Attended

  • International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), London, UK, Sep 2019
  • Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Montreal, Canada, Dec 2018
  • International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), Munich, Germany, Jun 2018
  • American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Diego, CA, May 2018
  • IEEE Life Sciences Conference (LSC), Sydney, Australia, Dec 2017
  • International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), Maui, HI, Sep 2017
  • International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), Singapore, Singapore, Jun 2016
  • International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Atlanta, GA, Apr 2016
  • Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI), Cambridge, MA, Jun 2014

Open Source Projects


  • Fast, multi-threaded tool for extracting lexicosyntactic (including lexical norms and grammatical complexity), semantic (including information content), pragmatic (including topic modeling and rhetorical structure theory), and acoustic features


  • A simple decorator to cache the results of function calls


  • A fast, parallel and extensible pipelining framework for Python

Resume Generator

  • Python application to automatically generate a Resume/CV and website from a JSON file


Ups and Downs


Sep - Dec 2016

  • Built Android application and backend to automatically detect changes in users mood based on sensor data
  • Used sensors on Smartwatch to detect changes in physical behavior and speech patterns
  • ECE1778: Creative Applications of Mobile Devices @ University of Toronto

Raytracer and Physical Simulation


Nov - Dec 2015

  • Implemented a Raytracer in C++ featuring anti-aliasing, soft shadows, glossy reflections, texture mapping and environment mapping
  • Created a physical simulation on top of the Raytracer
  • Won the Wooden Monkey Award
  • CSC2504: Computer Graphics @ University of Toronto

Exploring Micro-usage of Smartphones in the Presence of Smartwatches

Group member

Nov - Dec 2015

  • Designed and conducted an experiment to observe differences in smartphone usage when participants did or did not have a smartwatch
  • Analyzed smartphone usage data and compared usage behaviours
  • CSC2514: Human-Computer Interaction @ University of Toronto

Examining Factors Encouraging or Hindering the Adoption of Wearable Technology


Nov - Dec 2015

  • Reviewed literature to highlight factors affecting the adoption of wearable technology
  • CSC2514: Human-Computer Interaction @ University of Toronto

Automatic Cough Detector


Jan - May 2015

  • Implemented and compared machine learning based cough detectors using SVMs, Logistic Regression and Neural Networks
  • CSC2515: Machine Learning @ University of Toronto

Low-Latency, Scalable Sharding of a Software Defined Network (SDN) Controller


Sep - Dec 2014

  • Extended the Kandoo controller by allowing arbitrary sharding of local controllers
  • Developed two implementations of our design using Mininet and virtual machines in a network testbed
  • Tested and benchmarked our implementations and compared it to existing solutions
  • CSC2229: Software Defined Networking @ University of Toronto

Software Quality Analysis of JUnit


Mar - Apr 2014

  • Performed mutation testing, static code analysis, dynamic analysis and performance testing on the JUnit open source project and reported issues and possible solutions
  • Gained understanding of test plans, testing processes and tools used in software quality assurance
  • CMPT473: Software Quality Assurance @ Simon Fraser University

Distributed and Scalable Data Store


April 2014

  • Developed a scalable data storage system in Python. The system consisted of a load balancer, data servers, NoSQL database instances (Redis) and a queuing service
  • System used either a strong or weak consistency model based on user request. Implemented a gossip algorithm using vector clocks to keep all database instances up to date
  • CMPT474: Cloud Computing @ Simon Fraser University

Image Sharing Application on Amazon Web Services


January 2014

  • Created and deployed a scalable image sharing and resizing application using Amazon Web Services
  • Analyzed various design decisions that could affect scalability, reliability and performance
  • CMPT474: Cloud Computing @ Simon Fraser University

Transit Vancouver Mobile App


January 2014

  • Allowed users to search bus stops, bus routes and next bus departure time
  • Used GPS to find nearby bus stops
  • Developed for Windows Phone during a Microsoft 24 hour hackaton

Digital Asset Manager

Developer, Repository and Standards Manager

Sep - Dec 2013

  • Created Java based asset manager to catalog, display and search image, audio, video and text files
  • Designed and implemented object model for project
  • Contributed heavily to UI design and implementation
  • CMPT373: Software Development Methods @ Simon Fraser University

Decaf Compiler


Sep - Dec 2013

  • Created a compiler for Decaf language using Lex, Yacc and LLVM
  • Implemented a tokenizer, parser and intermediate code generator
  • CMPT379: Compilers @ Simon Fraser University

MarkUs for Undergraduate Capstone Open Source Project (UCOSP)


Sep - Dec 2013

  • MarkUs is an online assignment submission and grading tool used by the University of Toronto, University of Waterloo and École Centrale de Nantes, France
  • Worked on replacing SVN with Git as a backend for assignment submissions
  • Attended code sprint at Mozilla's Toronto office

Transaction Based Web Server

Designer and Developer

December 2013

  • Implemented an ACID compliant web server that allowed clients to read files and to initiate transactions, upload files and commit transactions
  • Designed system to recover or abort transactions in case of failure
  • Designed system to keep uncommitted files hidden from other users until committed
  • CMPT431: Distributed Systems @ Simon Fraser University

Remote Mouse Android Application

Sole Developer

May - Aug 2013

  • Designed and developed an Android application that allows using a phone as a mouse
  • Used accelerometer and gyroscope sensors to control mouse cursor on remote PC
  • Created a server application to run on the PC being controlled
  • Designed wireless protocol for communication between application and server
  • IAT381: Mobile Computing @ Simon Fraser University

Course Planner Android Application

Team Lead and Developer

Jan - Apr 2013

  • Designed and developed an Android application to help students in the Software Systems program at SFU keep track of their degree progress and plan future courses
  • Designed user interface, database architecture, and object model
  • CMPT276: Software Engineering @ Simon Fraser University