Major Softgoal sub Softgoal Cont. Value Eval. Value Study Situation
Meeting Be effective Skilled Leadership + PD
Text Box: S1 Text Box: S4
ScrumMaster be poor in organizing meetings and running them quickly (S1)
Trust & Mutual Respect +  
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Concrete, Tangible Goal +  
Text Box: S4 Text Box: S26
Real time Information Passing AND D
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Text Box: S12
Distributed Development : Different time zones
High quality of communication AND PD
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Distributed Development : Different Languages
High quality of collaboration AND PD
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Balkanization - the state of an organization in which different teams pursue their own goals independently, and without considering other teams;
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Bounded Collaboration - a restricted type of collaboration in which product owner and team do not communicate together, except during formal sessions or when the team has specific questions
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Gap between managers and developers
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Culture of Individual Working or Lack of team-ware attitude
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resistance due to the culture of waterfall development and formal meetings
everyone be committed to attend the meetings AND PD
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Waterfall Experienced developers: feeling that everyday meeting is not substantial, and topics of meeting are superficial and unprofessional
Note: Items that have PD or D as Evaluation Value, can be considered as threats to the achievement of softgoal, under the identified situation -->