NET-PRED:  Make predictions for test cases.

Net-pred prints guesses at the target values for a set of test cases.
Guesses are as defined by a network or set of networks.  If the true
targets are known, performance of the guesses can also be evaluated.
Inputs can be printed as well.  


    net-pred options { log-file range } [ / test-inputs [ test-targets ] ]

The final optional arguments give the source of inputs and targets for
the cases to look at; they default to the test data specification in
the first log file given.  The networks to use in making guesses are
taken from the records with the given ranges of indexes in the given
log files.  The outputs of all these networks are combined to give a
single guess for each case.

An index range can have one of the forms "[low][:[high]][%mod]" or
"[low][:[high]]+num", or one of these forms preceded by "@".  When "@"
is present, "low" and "high" are given in terms of cpu time, otherwise
they are iteration numbers.  When just "low" is given, only that index
is used.  If the colon is included, but "high" is not, the range
extends to the highest index in the log file.  The "mod" form allows
networks to be selected whose iteration numbers are multiples of
"mod", with the default being "mod" of one.  The "num" form allows the
total number of networks used to be specified; they are distributed as
evenly as possible within the specified range.  Note that it is
possible that the number of networks used in the end may not equal
this number, if records with some indexes are missing.

The 'options' argument consists of one or more of the following letters:

    i   Display the input values for each case
    t   Display the target values for each case
    r   Use the raw form of the target values, before transformation

    p   Display the log probability of the true targets

    m   Display the guess based on the mode, and whether it is in error
    n   Display the guess based on the mean, and its squared error
    d   Display the guess based on the median, and its absolute error

    b   Suppress headings and averages - just bare numbers for each case.
        The numbers are printed in exponential format, to high precision.
    B   Bare numbers, but with blank lines whenever first input changes

    a   Display only average log probabilities and errors, suppressing 
        the results for individual cases (makes sense only in combination 
        with one or more of 'p', 'm', 'n', and 'd', and not with 'i' or 't')

    z   Merge probabilities of class 0 and class 1, guessing 0 if the
        combined total exceeds that of the others.  This is a fudge to
        handle the forensic glass data.

    0-9 If any of these characters are used, output connections from 
        hidden layers other than those named are suppressed.  Input-output
        connections and output biases are also suppressed.  This option
        is useful in seeing the components of an additive network model.

Some of these options are illegal for some data models.  The illegal
combinations are marked with an 'X' in the following table:

        binary  class  real-valued  survival  no-model

     r    X       X
     p                                           X
     m                     X           X         X
     d    X       X    

Furthermore, the 'a' and 'b' options are incompatible, and the 't',
'p', and 'a' options may be used only if the true targets are given.
The errors for individual cases are also displayed only if the true
targets are known. The 'n' option for class models displays the mean
probabilities for each class, and computes a single figure for squared
error that is the sum of the squares of the differences between these
probabilities and the indicator variables that are one for the right
class and zero for the wrong classes.

The median is calculated by Monte Carlo, using a sample consisting of
eleven points from each network's target distribution.  The random
number seed used to generate these points is 101*x+i, where x is the
index of the network and i is the number of the test case.

Each average performance figure is accompanied by +- its standard
error (as long as there is more than one test case).

For survival data, if the survival time in a test case is censored,
the censoring time is used as the time of death for the purpose of
computing squared or absolute error.  This is not very meaningful.

If only inputs and targets are to be displayed (no predictions), one
may give just a single log file with no range.  Otherwise, at least
one network must be specified.

            Copyright (c) 1995 by Radford M. Neal