SRC-QUANTITIES:  Quantities from log files relating to source models.

The quantities below relating to source models can be obtained from
log files (eg, for use in src-plt).  The generic quantities documented
in quantities.doc and the Markov chain quantities documented in
mc-quantities.doc are also available.

The quantities specific to source models are as follows (if "n" is
present after the letter, it represents a numeric modifier):

    N    Number of sources (an integer)
    N0   Real-valued form of the number of sources (before taking floor)

    x    Array of x coordinates for the sources
    y    Array of y coordinates for the sources
    z    Array of z (height) coordinates for the sources

    Q    Array of intensities for the sources.  Includes non-active sources.

    Q1   Array of intensities for the sources in decreasing order of
         intensity, with non-active sources assigned intensity of zero.

    R    Array of total amounts released by the sources (Q times duration).  
         Not allowed for steady-state models or when sources don't stop.
         Includes non-active sources.

    R1   Array of total amounts released by sources in decreasing order of
         amount, with non-active sources assigned amount of zero.

    T0   Array of start times for the sources
    T1   Array of stop times for the sources
    T2   Array of durationsfor the sources (equal to T1-T0)

    U    Wind speed (for test flow model)

    n    Width parameter for noise
    u    Degrees of freedom for noise

    v    Array of actual measurements for detectors for training cases
    V    Array of actual measurements for detectors for test cases

    o    Array of predicted measurements for detectors for training cases
    O    Array of predicted measurements for detectors for test cases

            Copyright (c) 2007 by Radford M. Neal