SRC:  Programs to infer source locations from detector readings.

The 'src' programs implement sampling from the posterior distributions
of Bayesian models for the location of the sources of some pollutant
carried by air.  They were developed in consultation with Eugene Yee.

Source locations are specified by rectangular x, y, and z coordinates.
Here, z is height above some reference ground level, and is always
positive.  Each source has a non-negative intensity, Q, during the
period it is active (and zero intensity when it is not active).
Inference is based on measurements made by detectors located at
specified x, y, and z coordinates, and (except for steady-state
models) at specified times.  A flow model relates emissions from the
source locations to concentrations at the detectors.  Another model
describes detector noise.

The number of sources may be variable.  The current number of sources
is represented by a real value, the floor of which gives the number of
sources.  Parameters for the maximum number of sources are always
represented, with unused sources having parameters determined only by
the prior.

Further information is contained in documentation for the following

    src-spec.doc        Specify priors for number/location of sources
    det-spec.doc        Specify the detector noise model
    flow-spec.doc       Specify flow model

    src-initial.doc     Set initial values for parameters
    src-gen.doc         Generate parameters from the prior distribution
    src-dgen.doc        Generate measurements from the data distribution

    src-display.doc     Display parameters for a given iteration
    src-pred.doc        Make predictions for test measurements 
    src-intensity.doc   Make predictions for source intensity in grid cells

The general-purpose programs in the 'util' and 'mc' modules are also
used, as well as the specializations of the 'xxx' programs to the
'src' module.  Their use for the 'src' module is documented further in
the following files:

    src-mc.doc          Info on Markov chain sampling for 'src' models
    src-quantities.doc  Quantities that can be plotted, etc.

Detector measurements are obtained from a data file (or files)
specified using the general data-spec program (see data-spec.doc).
There can be up to four "inputs" for each measurement, which give the
x, y, and z coordinates for the detector, and the time of measurement.
If there are fewer than four inputs, the remaining quantities are
assumed to be zero.  (Some flow models may not use all of these
quantities in any case.)  The "target" value for a measurement is the
measured concentration.  The "training" data consists of the
measurements used to fit the model.  Optional "test" data may also be
specified, for which input values (detector locations/times) are
provided, and for which predictions of target values (measurements)
can be made (and possibly compared to known values, these are also
specified).  The option for data-spec to log transform values must not
be used for these target measurements.

If no training data is provided, the MCMC runs will sample from the

            Copyright (c) 2007 by Radford M. Neal