XXX-MIS:  Do Metropolis importance sampling.

There is a version of this program for each 'mc' application that
supports Metropolis importance sampling.  These programs implement an
importance sampling scheme in which states are randomly sampled from
an infinite-temperature distribution (the prior, or a uniform
distribution), and then modified by applying semi-deterministic
Metropolis updates, in which proposals are random, but their
acceptance is determined using a "thermostat" variable with
exponential distribution (except that acceptance with respect to the
prior, if any, is determined randomly in the usual way).  The
thermostat variable is initialized at a high temperature but then
decayed to move the system to lower temperatures.  This process
produces a distribution over states which we hope is close to the
desired distribution (corresponding to temperature one), and which we
can use to estimate expectations with respect to the desired
distribution by means of importance sampling.


    xxx-mis log-file n-runs min-steps max-steps [ [-]modulus ]
      / blocksize { stepsize count } stepsize [ count ] / inv-temp decay 
Here 'xxx' is a prefix identifying the particular incarnation of this
program (eg, dist-mis or mol-mis).

The log file must contain appropriate specifications for the model
before xxx-mis is run.  One or more states, with appropriate weights,
are appended to this log file when each of n-runs runs are simulated
using the parameters specified after the two "/" arguments.  These
states can be used to estimate expectations of various quantities (eg,
using dist-est), as well as the normalizing constant for the
distribution.  After xxx-mis has finished, additional runs can be
simulated by simply running the program again.

The importance sampling distribution is an equal mixture of the
distributions defined by first sampling the ordinary state variables
from the infinite-temperature distribution and the special
"thermostat" variable from the exponential distribution with mean
equal to the specified temperature (shown above in terms of its
inverse, inv-temp), and then applying between min-steps and max-steps
iterations of a semi-deterministic Metropolis dynamics, in conjunction
with decay for the thermostat variable.  The inverse temperature may
be specified directly, or as "/T", where T is the temperature.

Conceptually, each of the runs simulated by xxx-mis gives rise to
(max-steps - min-steps + 1) states from this importance sampling
distribution, produced by overlapping portions of the run.  These
states are written to the log file with appropriate importance
weights, unless modulus in specified, in which case only those whose
indexes (from 0) are multiples of modulus are written.  To find the
appropriate importance weights, the total probability of producing
each state under the importance sampling distribution must be found.
This involves a sum over all possible numbers of steps (from min-steps
to max-steps) that might have been used to produce the state.  Finding
this sum requires simulating a backwards portion of the run for
(max-steps - min-steps) steps.  The states from this backward portion
of the trajectory, and from the portion before min-steps have been
done, are not saved in the log file, unless "-" is included before
modulus, in which case they are saved with weights that are
effectively zero (which works OK for estimating expectations, though
not for estimating normalizing constants).

Each iteration of the Metropolis dynamics consists of one or more
semi-deterministic Metropolis updates.  Updates are applied to
successive blocks of consecutive variables (not including the
thermostat variable), with the size of a block being as specified on
the command line after the first "/".  A blocksize of "all" means all
variables are updated in one block.  If the number of variables is not
a multiple of blocksize, the last block will have fewer than blocksize
variables.  Each update begins with the random selection of a proposed
new state for the variables in the block, found by adding Gaussian
noise to all these variables.  The standard deviations for the noise
are given by the default stepsizes set by the application or by the
user (see mc-stepsizes.doc) times a stepsize specified in the command
line.  The stepsize specifications follow the blocksize, and each is
followed by a count of how many times it is to be repeated (the count
for the last stepsize can be omitted, and defaults to one).  Each
repetition of each stepsize is used for a full scan through all the
variable blocks.  The total number of Metropolis updates in an
iteration is therefore equal to the number of blocks times the sum of
the counts for all the stepsizes.

The proposed new state for a Metropolis update is accepted or rejected
according to two criteria.  First, if we are sampling from a Bayesian
posterior, the ratio of the prior probability of the proposed state to
the old state is computed, and the new state is rejected if a uniform
(0,1) random number is not less than this ratio, in which case the
second step is skipped.  In the second step, the difference in the log
probabilities of the new and the old states due to factors other than
the prior (ie, the energy difference for a physical system) is
computed, and the new state is rejected if this difference is greater
than the value of the "thermostat" variable.  (If the new state has
lower energy / higher probability, then it will always be accepted.)
If the new state is accepted, the value of the thermostat variable is
adjusted by the amount of the energy difference, which keeps the
energy constant, since the energy for the thermostat is just equal to
its value.  Following each complete Metropolis iteration (which may
consist of many updates), the thermostat variable is multiplied by the
specified decay factor, which should be slightly less than one.

These steps are reversed (with division by decay rather than
multiplication) when simulating backwards.

For good results, inv-temp should be chosen to be small enough that
the canonical distribution at this temperature is almost the same as
the prior (or almost uniform).  The range min-steps to max-steps
should be chosen so that the system cools to approximately a
temperature of one somewhere within this range of steps.  The
stepsizes need to be small enough that reasonable acceptance rates are
obtained, but not too small.  (The ideal size may vary with
temperature, which is why several stepsizes are allowed, so that at
least one will be appropriate at any time.)  Finally, the decay needs
to be sufficienly slow (ie, the decay parameter needs to be only
slightly less than one) if the importance weights are not to be highly

The value of the thermostat variable is accessible as the "h"
quantity.  The rate of rejections of Metropolis updates is also
recorded, and is available as the "r" quantity, with the difference in
energy level available as the "D" quantity.  (There is no access to
the difference in log priors.)  The position of each saved state in
the overall run is recorded as the "m" quantity.  The overall time
taken so far is recorded as the "k" quantity.  These are more-or-less
analogous to the quantities documented in mc-quantities.doc.

            Copyright (c) 1995-2004 by Radford M. Neal