MODEL-SPEC:  Specify model to use for target variables.

Model-spec writes a specification to an existing log file for how the
distribution of targets in a case is defined in terms of the function
computed from the inputs for the case.  How this function of the
inputs is found is specified separately (it might, for instance, be
computed by a neural network).

Models are available for regression with real-valued targets, logistic
regression with binary targets, generalized logistic regression with
targets taking on a finite set of values, and survival analysis with a
hazard function that may depend on various covariates, and on time.


     model-spec log-file model-specifications...


     model-spec log-file 

The second form displays the existing specification stored in the log
file, if any.

The first form appends a specification to the log file, which must not
contain any iterations yet.  If model-spec is invoked more than once,
the last specification is used.  The model is described by one or more
arguments after the log file argument.

Regression for real-valued targets.


   real noise-prior [ "acf" corr { corr } ] [ "last-binary" ]

A regression model is specified by the argument "real", followed by a
noise prior (see prior.doc).  With this model, the data for each case
consists of the same number input values as the model has "inputs"
(currently always zero for mixture and Dirichlet diffusion tree
models), along with the same number of target values as their are
"outputs" of the model.  These outputs give the means of independent
Gaussian distributions, with variances determined by the noise
hyperparameters.  (Note, however, that if there are implicit
case-by-case hyperparameters, the noise effectively comes from a
t-distribution, rather than a Gaussian.)

The noise prior may be followed by a specification of autocorrelations
for the noise in training cases, consisting of "acf" followed by one
or more autocorrelations, for lags from one on up; autocorrelations at
higher lags are assumed to be zero.  These autocorrelations must be
valid - ie, they must result in a positive definite correlation
matrix.  Note that this option causes the noise to be treated as
autocorrelated only for training cases.  The noise in test cases is
considered to be independent of the noise in the training cases, and
of the noise in other test cases.

If the "acf" option is used, the noise prior must not specify that the
noise variance varies from case to case.  Autocorrelated noise is
currently implemented only for Gaussian process models.

As a special fudge, if the "last-binary" option appears, the last of
the targets is not modeled in this way, but is rather treated as a
binary target, modeled using logistic probabilities, as described
below.  This option is currently implemented only for Dirichlet
diffusion tree models.

Logistic regression for binary targets.

A logistic regression model for binary data is specified by the
argument "binary".  With this model, the data for each case consists
of the same number of inputs values as the model has "inputs", and the
same number of binary target values as their are "outputs" for the
model.  The targets must be specified to be binary using the
int-target option of data-spec.  Each such output, o, is used to
derive the probability, p, that the corresponding target will be '1',
via the logistic function, p = 1/(1+exp(-o)).  The different targets
are assumed to be independent.

Poisson regression for count data.

A Poisson regression model for integer count data is specified by the
argument "count".  The data for each case consists of the same number
of input values as the model has "inputs", and the same number of
integer target values as the model has as "outputs".  The targets must
be specified to be non-negative integers by setting the int-target
option of data-spec to "+" or to "-".  Negative integer values (if
allowed by setting int-target to "-") represent censored data - in
particular, a value of -a indicates that the actual value is some
value between 0 and a (inclusive).  The model outputs are the logs of
the Poisson means for each target value.  The different targets are
assumed to be independent.

Generalized logistic regression for class targets ("softmax").

The "class" data model is used to model target values representing
some finite number of "classes".  As with the "real" and "binary"
models, the number of "input" for the model must match the number of
input values in each case.  There must be only one target in each
case, with the number of possible values for this target (specified
with the int-target option of data-spec) corresponding to the number
of "outputs" produced by the model.  The distribution over target
values for a case is found by letting the probability of a particular
target value be proportional to the exponential of the value of the
corresponding output.

Survival data.
The data-model arguments to net-spec can also specify that the net is
to be used to model survival data, indicated by a first argument of
"survival".  With a survival model, the inputs to the networks will be
the values of various covariates that may affect survival, plus
perhaps the time.  The net must have a single output, which is used to
construct the log of the hazard function.  The form of the hazard
function is specified by the arguments following "survival", in one of
the following ways:


       The hazard function is constant through time, though it may depend 
       on the covariates.  Only the covariates are provided as inputs to 
       the network.

    pw-const-hazard  [ "log" ] { time-point }

       The hazard function is piecewise constant, with changes in value
       at the time points listed.  There must be at least two time points, 
       they must be greater than zero, and they must be increasing.  The 
       log of the hazard for times before the first time point is obtained
       from the network output with the first network input set to the first
       time point (or the log of this time, if "log" is specified), and with
       any other inputs set to the covariates.  Similarly, the log of the
       hazard after the last time point is obtained by setting the first
       input to the last time point (or its log).  The log of the hazard at 
       times between two time points is obtained by setting the first input 
       to the average of the two time points (or the average of the logs of
       the two time points if "log" is specified).

The data specification for a survival model must give the number of
covariates as the number of inputs, and must specify that there is a
single target.  Negative values of the target are interpreted as
censored values (with observation stopping at the time given by the
target's absolute value).

Survival models are not implemented for Gaussian processes.

            Copyright (c) 1995-2004 by Radford M. Neal