The average was 14.5 out of 20. The programs were marked by checking them against 20 test cases. Each test case that was solved correctly within 3.3 seconds (allowing for a 10% leeway in CPU time) was worth 1 mark. One test case came from the assignment handout. Four others were manually constructed and consisted of small numbers, so that suboptimal solutions should be able to get partial marks. Two test cases specifically tested for problems involving larger numbers within the specified range of inputs. The others were constructed randomly and automatically. In your report, each case is listed as one of the following: good - correct and within time limit over time - correct but over time limit incorrect or timed out - incorrect solution, or the program did not end after 6 secs and was manually terminated. One major problem was that many students did not format the input or output according to the assignment handout. In particular, the program should not print any extra text at all, and must terminate upon printing the solution. Since this was the first programming assignment, I reconfigured the automarker to handle minor formatting errors, but I will not do this for the second programming assignment, so you have been warned! I did not try to fix errors with compiling or where the program did not terminate correctly. You should check that your program compiles without needing any additional package or directory structure. In particular, here are the commands that I used to compile and run your programs. C: gcc ./PA1sol.c -o ./PA1sol.exe ./PA1sol.exe C++: g++ ./ -o ./PA1sol.exe ./PA1sol.exe Java: javac ./ java PA1sol Python: python ./ Please make sure your programs compile and run for PA2.