In this work we exploit natural sentential descriptions of RGB-D scenes in order to improve 3D semantic parsing. Importantly, in doing so, we reason about which particular object each noun/pronoun is referring to in the image. This allows us to utilize visual information in order to disambiguate the so-called coreference resolution problem that arises in text. Towards this goal, we propose a structure prediction model that exploits potentials computed from text and RGB-D imagery to reason about the class of the 3D objects, the scene type, as well as to align the nouns/pronouns with the referred visual objects. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the challenging NYU-RGBD v2 dataset, which we enrich with natural lingual descriptions. We show that our approach significantly improves 3D detection and scene classification accuracy, and is able to reliably estimate the text-to-image alignment. Furthermore, by using textual and visual information, we are also able to successfully deal with coreference in text, improving upon the state-of-the-art Stanford coreference system.


Chen Kong, Dahua Lin, Mohit Bansal, Raquel Urtasun, Sanja Fidler


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The dataset release includes our annotation tools for both noun-object alignment and text ground-truth collection.

Information about data collection

We collected multi-sentence descriptions for the NYUv2 dataset. MTurker was shown an image and was asked to describe it to someone that doesn't see it to give that person a vivid impression of the depicted scene. The Turkers were unconstrained in their descriptions, i.e. they were not asked to mention any specific object or scene class.

In-house annotators then annotated alignments between nouns in the descriptions and regions/objects in the image. For a subset of objects in the scenes we also annotated color labels to enable training object color classifiers. We also collected ground-truth on the text side: in-house annotators were shown only a description and were asked to annotate words that belonged to classes of interests (object and scene classes). We used the class and scene list from our previous work. Annotators were also asked to annotate adjectives referring to a particular noun (all nouns, not just nouns of interest), as well as coreference pairs (words referring to the same physical object in the scene). We also annotated all prepositions in the descriptions.


For questions regarding the data please contact Sanja Fidler.

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