Computer Vision Lab

Other Projects

3D Human Body Interface from SGI to Windows and/or Linux

Context : 

A 3D Human Interface that visualizes joints, bones and constraints for joint limits coded in C++ and compiled under SGI will be given to the student. The goal of the project will be to port such visualizer into Widows and/or Linux. The student will be free to choose the platform where to port the code.

Figure 1: 3D Human Body Interface under SGI.

The application will be used for testing different types of joint limits, as the ones developed by Herda et al. [1,2]


[1] L. Herda, R. Urtasun, A. Hanson and P. Fua. "An Automatic Method for Determining Quaternion Field Boundaries for Ball-and-Socket Joint Limits". Automated Face and Gesture Recognition, Washington DC, May 2002.

[2] L. Herda, R. Urtasun and P. Fua, "Hiearchical Implicit Surface Joint Limits to Constrain Video-Based Motion Capture". European Conference in Computer Vision. Prague 2004.

Persons in charge: Raquel Urtasun