Babak Taati
- Large Language Models are Fixated by Red Herrings: Exploring Creative Problem Solving and Einstellung Effect using the Only Connect Wall Dataset
- The Toronto older adults gait archive (TOAGA): video and 3D inertial motion capture data of older adults' walking
- Toronto NeuroFace Dataset: A New Dataset for Facial Motion Analysis in Individuals with Neurological Disorders
- Toronto Rehab Stroke Pose Dataset
- Parkinson's Pose Estimation Dataset (featured on Kaggle Datasets)
Selected Publications: (see my Google Scholar profile for a complete list)
- S. Mehraban, V. Adeli, and B. Taati. MotionAGFormer: Enhancing 3D Human Pose Estimation with a Transformer-GCNFormer Network. IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Jan 2024. [link]
- V. Adeli, N. Korhani, A. Sabo, S. Mehdizadeh, A. Mansfield, A. Flint, A. Iaboni, and B. Taati. Ambient monitoring of gait and machine learning models for dynamic and short-term falls risk assessment in people with dementia. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE JBHI), Apr 2023. [link]
- A. Sabo, S. Mehdizadeh, A. Iaboni, and B. Taati. Estimating Parkinsonism Severity in Natural Gait Videos of Older Adults with Dementia. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE JBHI), Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 2288-2298, May 2022. [link][pre-print]
- S. Akbarian, N. Montazeri, A. Yadollahi, and B. Taati. Noncontact Sleep Monitoring with Infrared Video Data to Estimate Sleep Apnea Severity and Distinguish Between Positional and Nonpositional Sleep Apnea: Model Development and Experimental Validation. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), Vol 23, No 11, Nov 2021. [link]
- H. Wei, F. Rudzicz, D. Fleet, T. Grantcharov, and B. Taati. Intraoperative Adverse Event Detection in Laparoscopic Surgery: Stabilized Multi-Stage Temporal Convolutional Network with Focal-Uncertainty Loss. Proceedings of the 6th Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, PMLR 149:283-307, 2021. [link]
- S. Rezaei, A. Moturu, S. Zhao, K. M. Prkachin, T. Hadjistavropoulos, and B. Taati. UnobtrusivePain Monitoring in Older Adults with Dementia using Pairwise and Contrastive Training. IEEEJournal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE JBHI), Dec 2020. [link][preprint] Twitter thread
- A. Bandini, S. Rezaei, D. Guarin, M. Kulkarni, D. Lim, M. Boulos, L. Zinman, Y. Yunusova, and B. Taati. A New Dataset for Facial Motion Analysis in Individuals with Neurological Disorders. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE JBHI), 2020. [link] Twitter thread
- D. L. Guarin, B. Taati, T. Hadlock, and Y. Yunusova. Automatic Facial Landmark Localization in Clinical Populations-Improving Model Performance with a Small Dataset. 2020 [link] Twitter thread
- S. Mehdizadeh, A. Sabo, K.-D. Ng, A. Mansfield, A. J. Flint, B. Taati, A. Iaboni. Predicting shortterm risk of falls in a high risk group with dementia. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA), 2020. [link]
- A. Sabo, S. Mehdizadeh, K-D. Ng, A. Iaboni, B. Taati. Assessment of Parkinsonian Gait in Older Adults with Dementia via Human Pose Tracking in Video Data. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (JNER), 2020. [link]
- E. Dolatabadi, Y.X. Zhi, A.J. Flint, A. Mansfield, A. Iaboni, B. Taati. The feasibility of a vision-based sensor for longitudinal monitoring of mobility in older adults with dementia. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 82, 200-206, 2019. [link]
- K-D. Ng, S. Mehdizadeh, A. Iaboni, A. Mansfield, A. Flint, and B. Taati. Measuring Gait Variables Using Computer Vision to Assess Mobility and Fall Risk in Older Adults with Dementia. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (IEEE JTEHM), Vol. 8, No. 1, Dec 2020. [link]
- S. Akbarian, N. Montazeri, A. Yadollahi, and B. Taati. Distinguishing Obstructive vs. Central Sleep Apnea Events in Infrared Video. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), Vol. 22, No. 5, May 2020. [link]
- M. H. Li, T. A. Mestre, S. H. Fox, and B. Taati. Vision-Based Assessment of Parkinsonism and Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia with Deep Learning Pose Estimation. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, Vol. 15, No.97, Nov 2018 [link]
- M. H. Li, T. A. Mestre, S. H. Fox, and B. Taati. Automated assessment of levodopa-induced dyskinesia: Evaluating the responsiveness of video-based features. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, Vol. 53, pp 42-45, Aug 2018. [link]
- E. Dolatabadi, B. Taati, and A. Mihailidis. An Automated Classification of Pathological Gait using Unobtrusive Sensing Technology. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering (IEEE-TNSRE), Vol. 25, No. 12, pp 2336-2346, Dec 2017. [link]
- S. Khan and B. Taati. Detecting Unseen Falls from Wearable Devices using Channel-wise Ensemble of Autoencoders. Expert Systems With Applications, 87, Nov 2017. [link] [preprint] (TRI-UHN Best Paper Award 2017)
- A. Asgarian, A. B. Ashraf, D. Fleet, and B. Taati. Subspace Selection to Suppress Confounding Source Domain Information in AAM Transfer Learning. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), Oct 2017. [link][pre-print]
- M. Li, A. Yadollahi, and B. Taati. Noncontact Vision-Based Cardiopulmonary Monitoring in Different Sleeping Positions. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 21(5), Sep 2017. [link][pre-print][watch video]
- A. B. Ashraf and B. Taati. Automated video analysis of handwashing behavior as a potential marker of cognitive health in older adults. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 20(2), Mar 2016. [link]
- A. Akl, B. Taati and A. Mihailidis. Autonomous unobtrusive detection of mild cognitive impairment in older adults. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME), Vol. 62, No. 5, pp 1383-1394, 2015. [link]
- E. Dolatabadi, B. Taati and A. Mihailidis. A Vision-Based Approach to Monitor Changes in Balance: A Case Study Following Total Hip Replacement Surgery. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development (JRRD), Vol. 51, No. 7, pp 1165-1176, 2014. [link (PDF)]
- B. Taati, J. Snoek, D. Aleman, A. Ghavamzadeh, Data mining in bone marrow transplant records to identify patients with high odds of survival (J-BHI), 18(1):21-27, Jan 2014. [link]
- B. Taati, J. Snoek, A. Mihailidis, Video analysis for identifying human operation difficulties and faucet usability assessment, Neurocomputing, 100:163-169, Jan 2013. [link]
- B. Taati, M. Greenspan, Local shape descriptor selection for object recognition in range data, CVIU, 115(5):681-694, May 2011. [link]
- B. Taati, A. M. Tahmasebi, and K. Hashtrudi-Zaad, Experimental identification and analysis of the dynamics of a PHANToM Premium 1.5A haptic device, Presence, 17(4):327-343, 2008. [link (PDF)]