CSC 324 -- Principles of Programming Languages

Section L5101

Fall 2008

Index of this document

Contact information


Instructor: Gerald Penn
Lectures: R 7-9, BA 1220
Office: PT 396B
Telephone: (416)978-7390
Office Hours: W 4-5, R 5-6, or by appointment

Email with MIME-encoded or HTML message bodies will not be read nor responded to.

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All tutorials are held R 6-7 in BA 1220. There will be no tutorial on 11 September.
Assignment Tutor % of course grade
1 Michael Reimer 14
2 Justin Ward 14
3 Zachary Kincaid 14

A bulletin board has also been created for the class, which will be monitored by the TAs.

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Course outline

As the textbook, we will be using Concepts of Programming Languages, John Mitchell, Cambridge, 2003.
Also recommended is Guy Cousineau and Michel Mauny's The Functional Approach to Programming, Cambridge, 1998.

We will be using CaML Light, and SWI Prolog.

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Calendar of important course-related events


Date Event
Thu, 11 September First lecture
Thu, 18 September! First tutorial
Sun, 21 September Last day to add course
Thu, 16 October Assignment 1 due
Thu, 23 October Midterm (8-9 pm)
Mon, 3 November Last day to drop course
Thu, 13 November Assignment 2 due
Thu, 4 December Last lecture
Fri, 5 December Assignment 3 due
8-19 December Final Exam period

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Evaluation and related policies

There will be four homeworks, one midterm, and a final exam. The relative weights of these components towards the final mark are shown in the table below:


Homework 42%
Midterm 18%
Final 40%

Important note on final: You must pass the final  to pass the course.   In other words, if you receive below a 50% (after curve) on the final exam, you automatically fail the course, regardless of your performance on homeworks and the midterms.

Important note on homeworks: Homeworks will be distributed electronically.  A1 and A2 will be collected only in tutorial or by appointment with the TA for the homework in question.   They will also be returned in tutorial.

Lateness Policy: No late homeworks will be accepted without a signed medical certificate.  With a signed medical certificate, a late outstanding assignment may be ``cancelled'' at the instructor's discretion, in which case the marks for that piece of work will be distributed over the other marked work for the course in weighted proportion to the other work's contribution to the course grade.  A missed midterm will be cancelled, but again only with a signed medical certificate.

Silent policy:  The TA is not obliged to answer questions posed  less than 24 hours before any assignment is due, and is not obliged to answer questions already answered on the newsgroup at any time.  Students are encouraged to use the bulletin board for the course to pose their questions.

Remarking: Homeworks or exams written in pencil or erasable ink will not be remarked.  A request for remarking should be directed to the tutor who marked the assignment.  The tutor is only required to remark once - if you still believe your solution is correct, you may appeal to the instructor.

Policy on collaboration: Collaboration on homeworks and copying from others' homeworks are strictly prohibited - you are permitted to speak only with your tutors and the instructor about the homework.  If challenged by either a tutor or the instructor, you must be able to reproduce and explain any solution you submit in an oral exam.  No student is permitted to discuss any midterm or final exam with any other student until the instructor or TAs provide the solutions to the exam.  Failure to observe this policy is an academic offense, carrying a penalty ranging from a zero on the homework to suspension from the university.

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In this space, you will find announcements related to the course. Please check this space at least weekly. Back to the index


In this space you will find on-line postscript versions of course handouts, including homeworks and solutions (posted after the due date).

To view these handouts you will need access to a PDF viewer. If your machine does not have the required software, you can allegedly download it for free.

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Old exams

Some old midterm and final exams for this course (with no solutions). Back to the index

Gerald Penn, 6 December, 2008
This web-page was adapted from the web-page for another course, created by Vassos Hadzilacos.