Current Students
Graduated Ph.D. Students
Ady Ecker, Linear, Discrete, and Quadratic Constraints in Single-Image 3D Reconstruction, Aug. 2010.
Currently a researcher at Given Imaging.
Shahzad Malik, An Exploration of Multi-finger Interaction on Multi-touch
Surfaces, Sept. 2007.
Currently at CognoVision.
Francisco Estrada,
Advances in Computational Image Segmentation and Perceptual Grouping, Jan. 2005.
Currently a Lecturer here in the Department of Computer Science.
Gustavo Carneiro, Image Pattern Recognition Using Phase-based Local Features
and Their Flexible Spatial Configuration,
August 2004.
Currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, Australia.
Chakra Chennubhotla,
Spectral Methods for Multi-Scale Feature Extraction and Data Clustering,
Jan. 2004.
Currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computational and Systems Biology, University of Pittsburg.
Thomas El-Maraghi, Robust Online Appearance Models for Visual Tracking,
Feb. 2003 (co-supervised with David Fleet).
Recently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Ryerson University.
Shanon Xuan Ju, Estimating Image Motion in Layers: The ``Skin and Bones" Model, Jan. 1999 (co-supervised with Michael Black).
Richard Mann, Computational Perception of Scene Dynamics, Sept. 1997.
Currently an Associate Professor at the University of Waterloo.
W. James MacLean, Recovery of Egomotion and Segmentation of
Independent Object Motion using the EM-Algorithm,
Jan. 96, Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Eng. (co-supervised with R.C. Frecker).
Currently a Software Engineer at Google (Waterloo)
Vincent Canale, The Computation of Paths of Homoclinic Orbits,
Sept. 1994.
Currently a VP in
Market Risk Management Division, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC).
Eyal Shavit, Phase portraits for analyzing visual dynamics,
Jan. 1994.
Currently Sr. Vice President of Products, SnapLogic
Tom Fairgrieve, The Computation and Use of Floquet Multipliers for
Bifurcation Analysis, Jan. 1994.
Currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto.
David Fleet, Measurement of Image Velocity, Jan. 1991.
Currently a Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto.
John Barron,
Computing Motion and Structure from Noisy
Time-Varying Image Velocity Information,
June 1988 (co-supervised
with J.K. Tsotsos).
Currently a Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario.
Ron Gershon,
The Use of Colour in Computational Vision,
(co-supervised with
J.K. Tsotsos), June 1987.
Currently a manager at CogniTens.
Graduated M.Sc Students
Simon Pelchat, Rigid Object Reconstruction while Tracking, April 2011.
Currenty IT specialist at DMR-Fujitsu, Quebec City.
Pardis Beikzadeh, Stochastic Pixel Similarity Functions with Neighbourhood Information, Sept. 2010.
Currently with Google, Mountain View.
Michael Guerzhoy, Boosting Local Spectro-Temporal Features for Speech Analysis, Sept. 2010.
Currently a Ph.D. candidate here in the Department of Computer Science.
Derek Kwok, Dynamic Shape Reconstruction from Motion under Orthography,
Feb. 2008 (co-supervised with David Fleet).
Currently a Software Engineer at Epson Canada.
Midori Hyndman, Dynamic texture modelling, Sept. 2006 (co-supervised with David Fleet).
Currently a Technical Communication Consultant.
Xiang Cao,
An Exploration of Gesture-based Interaction, (co-supervised with
Ravin Balakrishnan), Feb. 2004.
Currently an associate researcher at Computer-Mediated Living Group at Microsoft Research Cambridge and a research fellow at Corpus Christi College in the University of Cambridge.
John Midgley, Probabilistic Eigenspace Object Recognition in the
Presence of Occlusion, Aug. 2001.
Currently a software developer in the Toronto area.
Francisco Estrada, Estimation of Surface Orientation from a
Single Image, Aug. 2001.
Continued for a Ph.D. with me.
Jennifer Listgarten, Qualitative Probabilities and Object Recognition,
June. 2000.
Currently a researcher in the eScience Research Group at Microsoft Research.
Vincent Canale, The Computation of Homoclinic Orbits, Sept. Sept. 1988.
Continued for a Ph.D. with me.
Michael Langer, On the Efficient Representation of Natural Images, Feb. 1988.
Currently an Associate Professor, School of Computer Science, McGill University.
Tom Fairgrieve, The Application of Singularity Theory to the Computation
of Jordan Canonical Form, Oct. 1986.
Continued for a Ph.D. with me.
Ying-Wah Charles Chang, A Comparison of Three Methods for Implicit ODEs,
Feb. 1985.
David Fleet, The Early Processing of Spatio-Temporal Visual
Information, Sept. 1984
(co-supervised with J.K. Tsotsos).
Continued for a Ph.D. with me.
Feedback: Keeping up to date.
Please email me if you notice any incorrect or out of date information on this list. My email address is my last name at cs dot toronto dot edu