CSC490 / 2600 : General Info


This page contains general information about the various details of the course.

In general, much of the information about the course is available from the course information sheet, provided in class. Below is a link to it, in PDF format:

Course information sheet

Class Location

Session Location Time
CSC490 Lecture Rosebrugh Building, room 208 3pm - 5pm
CSC454 Lecture Bahen Centre 1210 Wednesday, 6pm - 9pm

Course Deliverables

Since CSC490 is a project course, it has no "assignments" in the traditional sense. Instead, the deliverables for this course are a combination of tasks that must be performed, and presentations that demonstrate your progress in front of the class. There is no lateness policy for these milestones; for the most part, a letter grade will be assigned to grade your performance, and that will reflect the numerical mark that you receive.

The first two weeks are spent performing training tasks on Watson, before the groups are formed and the project component begins in earnest:


The goal for this project course is to create a product that uses Watson to perform a useful and marketable task, using Watson's cognitive computing to power the product. The deliverables for this project are as follows:

Demo Showcase " Demo at event for general public
  1. Product Pitch (10%) -- Sept 25th
    • Propose project idea (focus on technical feasibility).
  2. Project Design (15%) -- Oct 9th
    • Present proof of concept that illustrates the core technical needs of project.
    • Submit: Design document (use cases, software structure diagrams, product backlog, scheduling diagrams, etc)
  3. Minimum Viable Product -- Oct 23rd
    • Implement most use cases
    • Present product demo
    • Basic product prototype
    • Initial product testing (for Beta stage)
  4. Software Beta -- Nov 6th
    • Present feature complete product
    • User experience goals
    • Present initial testing report, perform secondary testing (for Final Product)
  5. Final Product -- Nov 20th
    • Submit: final software
    • Submit: final testing report
    • Demo to industry panel
  6. Demo Showcase -- Nov 27th
    • Final decisions made for Cognitive Computing Contest

Contact information

CSC490 Instructor Steve Engels
Email sengels at cs dot utoronto dot ca
Office BA 4266
Phone (416) 946-5454
Hours TBA
CSC454 Instructor Mario Grech
Email mario dot grech at utoronto dot ca
Office BA 5224
Phone N/A
Hours TBA
CSC454 Instructor Helen Kontozopoulos
Email helen at cs dot utoronto dot ca
Office BA 5224
Phone N/A
Hours TBA