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The refinement procedure of GHYS


The refinement procedure of GHYS and QT can be likened to Newton's method for finding a zero of a function. Indeed, it may be possible to formulate it exactly as a Newton's method with boundary conditions, although this has not yet been shown. For pedagogical purposes, I will assume in the following paragraph that the GHYS refinement procedure can be formulated as a Newton's method.

The basic idea is as follows. Let tex2html_wrap_inline2681 be a trajectory with S steps that has noise tex2html_wrap_inline2685 , where tex2html_wrap_inline2687 is the machine precision, and tex2html_wrap_inline2689 is some constant significantly greater than 1 that allows room for improvement towards the machine precision. Let tex2html_wrap_inline2641 be the 1-step error at step i+1, where tex2html_wrap_inline2695 for all i. The set of 1-step errors is represented by tex2html_wrap_inline2699 , and is estimated by a numerical integration technique that has higher accuracy than used to compute tex2html_wrap_inline2701 . This describes a function, call it g, taking as input the entire orbit tex2html_wrap_inline2701 and whose output is the set of 1-step errors tex2html_wrap_inline2707 , i.e.,  tex2html_wrap_inline2709 . Since the 1-step errors are assumed to be small, tex2html_wrap_inline2711 is small. That is, tex2html_wrap_inline2701 is close to a zero of g, if one exists. A zero of the function would represent an orbit with zero 1-step error, i.e.,  a true orbit. This is an ideal situation in which to run Newton's method. If Newton's method converges, then a true orbit has been found.

There are exactly two criteria for a trajectory tex2html_wrap_inline2717 to be called a numerical shadow of tex2html_wrap_inline2701 :

tex2html_wrap_inline2717 must be substantially less noisy than tex2html_wrap_inline2701 . Until further work can show a less stringent condition, we will assume that tex2html_wrap_inline2717 requires noise comparable to the machine precision. In other words, tex2html_wrap_inline2717 must have small 1-step errors.
The distance between tex2html_wrap_inline2717 and tex2html_wrap_inline2701 must be bounded by some appropriately chosen constant tex2html_wrap_inline2733 that is small in comparison to the typical scale of the system. For example, for an N-body system roughly confined to the unit box, a reasonable maximum shadow distance is comparable to the inter-particle separation, or about tex2html_wrap_inline2737 , whichever is smaller. In essence, this says that if a human observer can't see the difference between two paths viewed on a figure with the unaided eye, then the distance is probably small enough.

Any trajectory satisfying these criteria, no matter what algorithm or heuristic ``magic'' is used to produce it, can be called a numerical shadow of tex2html_wrap_inline2701 . Later in this chapter a seemingly extremely naïve refinement procedure will be introduced, called Stable Local Error Subtraction or SLES, which is completely different from the GHYS procedure, whose speed is comparable to a highly optimized GHYS procedure, but whose reliability has not yet been rigorously tested.

The GHYS refinement algorithm

This section presents the GHYS refinement procedure for a two-dimensional Hamiltonian system. Assume we have a noisy orbit tex2html_wrap_inline2681 , and we want to find a less noisy orbit tex2html_wrap_inline2743 . The 1-step errors are estimated by


where tex2html_wrap_inline2747 is an integrator with higher accuracy than the one used to compute tex2html_wrap_inline2701 . The refined orbit will be constructed by setting


where tex2html_wrap_inline2753 is a correction term for step i. Now,


Assuming the correction terms tex2html_wrap_inline2753 to be small, then tex2html_wrap_inline2759 can be expanded in a Taylor series about tex2html_wrap_inline2761 :


where tex2html_wrap_inline2763 is the linearized map. For a discrete chaotic map, tex2html_wrap_inline2765 is just the Jacobian of the map at step i. For a system of ODEs, tex2html_wrap_inline2765 is the Jacobian of the integral of the ODE from step i to step i+1.gif The final equation for the corrections is


As will be seen later, it is the computation of the linear maps tex2html_wrap_inline2765 , called resolvents, that takes most of the CPU time during a refinement, because the resolvent has tex2html_wrap_inline2561 terms in it, and it needs to be computed to high accuracy. Presumably, if one is interested in studying simpler high-dimensional systems, a chaotic map would be a better choice than an ODE system, because no ODE integration is needed.

If the problem were not chaotic, the correction terms tex2html_wrap_inline2753 could be computed directly from equation 1.1. But since tex2html_wrap_inline2765 will amplify any errors in tex2html_wrap_inline2753 that occur near the unstable direction, computing the tex2html_wrap_inline2753 's by iterating equation 1.1 quickly produces nothing but noise. Therefore, GHYS suggest splitting the error and correction terms into components in the stable ( tex2html_wrap_inline2841 ) and unstable ( tex2html_wrap_inline2843 ) directions at each timestep:


Computing the unstable unit direction vectors is currently done by initializing the unstable vector at time 0, tex2html_wrap_inline2845 , to an arbitrary unit vector and iterating the linearized map forward with


Since tex2html_wrap_inline2765 magnifies any component that lies in the unstable direction, and assuming we are not so unlucky to choose a tex2html_wrap_inline2845 that lies precisely along the stable direction, then after a few e-folding times tex2html_wrap_inline2843 will point roughly in the actual unstable direction. Similarly, the stable unit direction vectors tex2html_wrap_inline2841 are computed by initializing tex2html_wrap_inline2857 to an arbitrary unit vector and iterating backwards,


where tex2html_wrap_inline2859 can be computed either by inverting tex2html_wrap_inline2765 , or by integrating the variational equations backwards from step i+1 to step i. The latter is far more expensive, but may be more reliable in rare instances. In any case, it is intended that tex2html_wrap_inline2867 , the identity matrix. There may be more efficient ways to compute the stable and unstable vectors, possibly having to do with eigenvector decomposition of the Jacobian of the map (not the Jacobian of the integral of the map), but I have not looked into this.

Substituting equations 1.2 and 1.3 into equation 1.1 yields


For the same reason that tex2html_wrap_inline2765 magnifies errors in the unstable direction, it diminishes errors in the stable direction. Likewise, tex2html_wrap_inline2859 diminishes errors in the unstable direction and magnifies errors in the stable direction. Thus the tex2html_wrap_inline2873 terms should be computed in the backwards direction, and tex2html_wrap_inline2875 terms in the forward direction. Taking components of equation 1.6 in the unstable direction at step i+1 (recall that tex2html_wrap_inline2879 lies in the same direction as tex2html_wrap_inline2881 ), iterate backwards on


and taking components in the stable direction, iterate forwards on


The initial choices for tex2html_wrap_inline2883 and tex2html_wrap_inline2885 are arbitrary as long as they are small -- smaller than the maximum shadowing distance -- because equation 1.8 damps initial conditions, and equation 1.7 damps final conditions. QT and GHYS choose them both as 0. This choice is probably as good as any, but it can be seen here that if one shadow exists, there are infinitely many of them. (Another justification of this is offered below.) Another way of looking at these initial choices for tex2html_wrap_inline2883 and tex2html_wrap_inline2885 is that they ``pinch'' the growing components at the final end point, and the backwards-growing components at the initial point, to be small, so that tex2html_wrap_inline2891 and tex2html_wrap_inline2893 . That is, boundary conditions are being forced on the problem so that the exponential divergence is forcibly masked, if possible.

Note that these boundary conditions allow the initial conditions for the shadow and noisy orbits to differ along the unstable direction. In fact, this must occur if the change in initial conditions is to have any effect. That is, when looking for a shadow, if perturbations are only allowed in the stable direction, those perturbations would die out, leading the ``shadow'' to follow the true orbit that passes through our initial conditions -- the one that is already known to diverge exponentially from the computed (noisy) orbit.

Generalizing to arbitrary Hamiltonian systems

This section is derived from QT's Appendix B, although it is presented slightly differently.

If the configuration space is D dimensional, then there are 2D dimensions in the phase space. It can be shown that in a Hamiltonian system, the number of stable and unstable directions is each equal to D. At timestep i, let tex2html_wrap_inline2903 be the D unstable unit vectors, and let tex2html_wrap_inline2907 be the D stable unit vectors. For any particular timestep, it will be convenient if the unstable vectors are orthogonal to each other, and the stable vectors are orthogonal to each other. However, the stable and unstable vectors together will not in general form an orthogonal system.

The vectors are evolved exactly as before, except using Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization to produce two sets of D-orthonormal vectors at each timestep. Since we do not know a priori what directions are stable and unstable at each timestep, we choose an arbitrary orthonormal basis tex2html_wrap_inline2913 at time zero, and an arbitrary orthonormal basis tex2html_wrap_inline2915 at time S, and evolve them as:


Then, at each timestep i, do two Gram-Schmidt orthonormalizations: one on tex2html_wrap_inline2923 to produce tex2html_wrap_inline2925 , and another on tex2html_wrap_inline2927 to produce tex2html_wrap_inline2907 . After a few e-folding times, we find that tex2html_wrap_inline2933 points in the most unstable direction at timestep i, tex2html_wrap_inline2937 points in the second most unstable direction, etc. Likewise, tex2html_wrap_inline2939 points in the most stable direction at time i, tex2html_wrap_inline2943 points in the second most stable direction, etc.

The multidimensional generalizations of the error and correction vectors is the obvious


To convert the 1-step error at timestep i from phase-space co-ordinates tex2html_wrap_inline2949 to the stable and unstable basis tex2html_wrap_inline2951 , one constructs the matrix tex2html_wrap_inline2953 whose columns are the unstable and stable unit vectors, tex2html_wrap_inline2955 , and solves the system tex2html_wrap_inline2957 .

The equation for the correction co-efficients in the unstable subspace at timestep i+1 is


which we project out along tex2html_wrap_inline2963 producing


where the scalar tex2html_wrap_inline2967 , and the Gram-Schmidt process ensures tex2html_wrap_inline2969 if j<k. The boundary condition at timestep S is tex2html_wrap_inline2975 , and we compute the co-efficients backwards using


We first solve for tex2html_wrap_inline2979 , which doesn't require knowledge of the other tex2html_wrap_inline2873 co-efficients, then we solve for tex2html_wrap_inline2983 , etc.

The equation for the correction co-efficients in the stable subspace at timestep i is


which we project out along tex2html_wrap_inline2989 producing


where tex2html_wrap_inline2993 , and the Gram-Schmidt process ensures tex2html_wrap_inline2995 if j<k. The boundary condition at time 0 is tex2html_wrap_inline2999 , and we compute the co-efficients forwards using


As with the unstable corrections, we first compute tex2html_wrap_inline3003 which does not require knowledge of the other tex2html_wrap_inline2875 co-efficients, then we compute tex2html_wrap_inline3007 , etc.

Discussion of the GHYS algorithm

There is no guarantee that refinement converges towards a true orbit; if there was, then all noisy orbits would be shadowable. In fact, even if some refinements are successful, numerical refinement alone does not prove rigorously that a true shadow exists; it only proves the existence of a numerical shadow, i.e.,  a trajectory that has less noise than the original. Furthermore, the 1-step error tex2html_wrap_inline3009 computed by any numerical technique measures the difference between the noisy and more accurate solutions at timestep i+1, where both start from the same position at timestep i. Even if this distance is about tex2html_wrap_inline3015 , it does not imply that the difference between the noisy solution at timestep i+1 and the true solution passing through step i is equally small. This was dramatically demonstrated one day when I accidentally set the precision of the ``accurate'' integrator to only tex2html_wrap_inline3021 , and the shadowing routine happily refined the orbit until the 1-step errors all had magnitudes less than tex2html_wrap_inline3015 . Considering that the ``accurate'' trajectories were only being computed to a tolerance of tex2html_wrap_inline3021 , it seems that refinement had converged to within tex2html_wrap_inline3015 of a specific numerical orbit that had true 1-step errors of about tex2html_wrap_inline3021 .

Furthermore, a numerical integration routine that is requested to integrate to a tolerance close to the machine precision might not achieve it, because it might undetectably lose a few digits near the machine precision. Thus, even when a numerical shadow is found with 1-step errors of tex2html_wrap_inline3015 , the true 1-step errors are probably closer to tex2html_wrap_inline3033 . GHYS provide a method called containment that can prove rigorously when a true shadow exists, but we have not implemented containment. As a surrogate to containment, QT did experiments on simple chaotic maps with 100-digit accuracy (using the Maple symbolic manipulation package) showing that if the GHYS refinement procedure refined the trajectory to 1-step errors of about tex2html_wrap_inline3015 , then successful refinements could be continued down to tex2html_wrap_inline3037 . It is reasonable to assume that refinement would continue to decrease the noise, converging in the limit to a noiseless (true) trajectory.

For the above reasons, we are confident that convergence to a numerical shadow implies, with high probability, the existence of a true shadow. However, to prove it rigorously requires implementing a scheme such as the GHYS containment procedure. This is one possible avenue for further research.

There is also no guarantee that, even if the refinement procedure does converge, that it converges to a reasonable shadow of tex2html_wrap_inline2701 ; in principle it could converge to a true orbit that is far from tex2html_wrap_inline2701 , in which case the term ``shadow'' would be inappropriate. However, I have found in practice that refinement always fails due to the 1-step errors ``exploding'' (becoming large). I have never seen a case in which the refined orbit diverged from the original orbit while retaining small 1-step errors.

The error explosion occurs when 1-step errors are so large that the linearized map becomes invalid for computing corrections. Since the method is global (i.e.,  each correction depends on all the others), inaccuracies in the computation of the corrections can quickly amplify the noise rather than decreasing it. Thus, within 1 or 2 refinement iterations, the 1-step errors can grow by many orders of magnitude, resulting in failed refinements. It is unclear if local methods like SLES (introduced below) will suffer the same consequences; probably they do, but errors probably grow much more slowly, and only locally in the orbit where 1-step errors are large.

Dependence of shadowing on the choice of accurate integrator

I have tried two integrators as my ``accurate'' integrator, although both were variable-order, variable-timestep Adams's methods called SDRIV2 and LSODE [18, 16]. QT used a Bulirsch-Stoer integrator by Press et al. [28]. It would be interesting to study whether the choice of accurate integrator influences the numerical shadow found, because if one true shadow exists, then infinitely many (closely packed) true shadows exist.gif However, if the boundary conditions are the same, then the solutions should be the same.

Dependence of shadowing on choice of tex2html_wrap_inline2845 and tex2html_wrap_inline2857

Since tex2html_wrap_inline2845 is arbitrary, and the displacement along the actual unstable subspace at time 0 that determines the evolution of the orbit, is it possible that we may fail to find a shadow because the initial perturbations allowed by our choice of tex2html_wrap_inline2845 don't include the perturbations necessary to find a shadow?

I have not pursued this question at all, but it seems an interesting one. There are examples introduced below where the GHYS refinement procedure failed to find a shadow for a noisy orbit tex2html_wrap_inline3057 , when it can be shown that one exists; the above scenario may be a cause. One way to test it is to try to find a shadow for tex2html_wrap_inline3057 using a different initial guess for tex2html_wrap_inline2845 , although I have not tried this. Similar comments apply to tex2html_wrap_inline2857 .

However, there are at least 3 arguments against this dependence being a problem. First, since the stable subspace has measure zero in the total space, it seems unlikely that an arbitrary choice for tex2html_wrap_inline2845 could choose a subspace that doesn't contain ``enough'' of the unstable subspace. Secondly, the correction co-efficients for the unstable subspace are computed starting at the end of the trajectory, where tex2html_wrap_inline3067 is presumably correct; similarly for the correction co-efficients in the stable subspace and tex2html_wrap_inline3069 . Thirdly, assuming the shadowing distance is much larger than the 1-step errors, it is likely that the intervals near the endpoints where the stable/unstable vectors are inaccurate are too small to allow instabilities in the computations of the corrections to build from 1-step error sizes to shadow-distance sizes. Further study of this possible problem may be helpful.

If it does turn out to be a problem, there are many possible fixes. First, we could attempt to shadow only between points that are known to have accurate approximations to the stable and unstable directions. One measure of this accuracy is to start with two different arbitrary unit vectors at time 0 and evolve them forward using equation 1.4. When they converge within some tolerance to the same vector at timestep a, we can assume they are correct after timestep a. The same could be done to the stable vectors, starting with two different guesses at time S and evolving backwards using equation 1.5 until they converged at timestep b. Then, shadowing would be attempted only between a and b.

If we want to shadow all the way to the endpoints, we could attempt to get reliable stable/unstable vectors everywhere in the following manner: compute the times a and b as above. Then compute tex2html_wrap_inline3089 backwards, attempting to evolve the correct tex2html_wrap_inline3091 backwards, while hoping that instabilities from the stable subspace don't overwhelm the computation for the few steps that iteration proceeds backwards. Do the same for tex2html_wrap_inline3093 , except evolving forward. This seems to me the most promising method, although I have not yet tested it. To test how much of the unstable subspace has encroached on tex2html_wrap_inline3095 , perhaps we can dot tex2html_wrap_inline3097 with tex2html_wrap_inline3099 to ensure it stays small.

Another (untested) method to compute the stable and unstable vectors out to the endpoints is: compute tex2html_wrap_inline3101 in the normal way. Then choose tex2html_wrap_inline2857 to be orthogonal to tex2html_wrap_inline3067 . Even though these vectors are not generally orthogonal, choosing tex2html_wrap_inline2857 to be orthogonal to tex2html_wrap_inline3067 seems better than a random choice. Then, compute tex2html_wrap_inline3111 normally. Then recompute tex2html_wrap_inline3101 using a tex2html_wrap_inline2845 orthogonal to tex2html_wrap_inline3069 .

If a method can be invented that computes the stable and unstable vectors using eigenvector decomposition, then it probably would be better than all the above methods, because it would not require any resolvents and not be restricted to being away from the endpoints.

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Wayne Hayes
Sun Dec 29 23:43:59 EST 1996

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