Alex Hertel's Academic Web Page

I completed my Ph.D. in 2008 under the supervision of Dr. Alasdair Urquhart in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto .


Contact Information:

  Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
10 King's College Rd,
Sanford Fleming Building, Room 4306A
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5S 3G4



My Résumé is located on LinkedIn here


Conference & Journal Publications:


Algorithms & Complexity Results for Input & Unit Resolution, A. Hertel & A. Urquhart, Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation Volume 6, 2009, pages 141-164.
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Game Characterizations and the PSPACE-Completeness of Tree Resolution Space, A. Hertel & A. Urquhart, Proceedings of CSL 2007: Springer LNCS 4646, pages 527-541.
  Download: .pdf version .ps version
Formalizing Dangerous SAT Encodings, A. Hertel, P. Hertel, & A. Urquhart, Proceedings of SAT 2007: Springer LNCS 4501, pages 159-172.
  Download: .pdf version .ps version
A Sound and Complete Proof Theory for Propositional Logical Contingencies, A. Hertel, P. Hertel, & C. Morgan, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic Vol. 48 No. 4, 2007, pages 521-530.
  Download: .pdf version .ps version

An O(pn+1.151p)-Algorithm for p-Profit Cover and its Practical Implications for Vertex Cover, U. Stege, I. van Rooij, A. Hertel, & P. Hertel, Proceedings ISAAC 2002: Springer LNCS 2518, pages 249-261.
  Download: .pdf version .ps version


Papers Submitted / in Progress:


On The Computability of Detecting Machine Consciousness, A. Hertel
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The Resolution Width Problem is EXPTIME-Complete, A. Hertel & A. Urquhart, Withdrawn from Theory of Computing due to a bug in a proof.
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The Proof Complexity of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic, A. Hertel & A. Urquhart
  Download: .pdf version .ps version

A Non-Hamiltonicity Proof System, A. Hertel, In Preparation.
  Download: .pdf version .ps version See implementation below.


Unrefereed Papers:

Prover / Delayer Game Upper Bounds For Tree Resolution, A. Hertel & A. Urquhart,  2006.
  Download: .pdf version .ps version
A Survey & Strengthening of Barnette's Conjecture, A. Hertel, 2005.
  Download: .pdf version .ps version


Ph.D. & M.Sc. Theses:

Ph.D. Thesis: Applications of Games to Propositional Proof Complexity. A. Hertel, University of Toronto, Defended May 2nd, 2008.
  Download: .pdf version .ps version
Thesis Proposal Paper: Thesis Proposal: An Application of Game Characterizations to Propositional Proof Complexity, A. Hertel, University of Toronto, 2007.
  Download: .pdf version .ps version
Research Proposal Paper: Research Proposal & Progress Report, A. Hertel, University of Toronto, 2006.
  Download: .pdf version .ps version
Depth Oral (Candidacy) Paper: Propositional Proof Complexity: A Depth Oral Survey, A. Hertel, University of Toronto, 2005.
  Download: .pdf version .ps version
Master's Thesis: Hamiltonian Cycles in Sparse Graphs,  A. Hertel, University of Toronto, 2004.
  Download: .pdf version .ps version
  An implementation of the Stone Carver Algorithm together with some test graphs is located here.  This program also contains an implementation of a proof system for non-Hamiltonicity found in the paper "A Non-Hamiltonicity Proof System", above.


Graduate Course Papers & Projects:

Genome Assembly Algorithms for New Sequencing Technologies, A. Hertel & P. Hertel, 2006
Download: .pdf version .ps version
The implementation of the main algorithm together with test genomes is located here.
Machine Learning & the Automatizability of Proof Systems, A. Hertel & P. Hertel, 2005.
Download: .pdf version .ps version
Secure Electronic Elections, A. Hertel & P. Hertel, 2004.
Download: .pdf version .ps version
Collaborative Motion Graphs, A. Hertel & P. Hertel, 2003.
Download: .pdf version .ps version
The project implementation is located here.
Motion From Primitives Using Motion Graphs, A. Hertel & P. Hertel, 2002
Download: .pdf version .ps version
The project implementation is located here.


Other Stuff:

Here is a fractal-viewing program which allows you to zoom in on the Mandelbrot Set and also view Julia sets.


Read This Disclaimer!

Note that some of the programs above were programmed for Windows XP using C++ and MFC.  Disclaimer: for all I know, running any or all of these programs on your computer will cause the world to end; I assume no liability.  For that matter, reading any of the above papers may cause blindness and / or may cause your hard drive to to be erased, so don't come looking to sue me if you didn't heed this warning!